Tuesday, December 7, 2010

The Official Blog of All Things "Feetsy"

As of today, Feetsy is 10 weeks and 2 days old. I have been told that ze has recently grown in some fingernails and toenails. This makes for some weird dream fodder. The other day I had a dream that my fingernails and toenails were growing non-stop. So much so that it was sort of gross - they got really dirty. I have also been having a lot of dreams (3 total, so far) in which I am surfing on waves. According to dreammoods.com this means one of two things...

To see or ride a surfboard in your dream, suggests that you are going with the flow of things. You have giving in to the existing rhythm and are just along for the ride. Alternatively, riding a surfboard refers to your leisurely pursuits.

To dream that you are surfing, parallels the ups and downs of some emotional situation or relationship. You may feel overwhelmed. One minute you can be in control of your emotions and the next minute you are not. Alternatively, the dream means that you are going with the flow.  

In true Barnum fashion, it can mean I am cool as a cucumber and going with the flow or on a roller coaster of emotions (or it could also mean that I need to pee a lot during the middle of the night, so I dream of water a lot).

Besides the side effect of weird dreams, I am doing well with the rest of my first trimester symptoms. My nausea is mostly under control with the B6 and I am proud to say that I have not actually vomited (not even once!). The biggest thing is just how tired I am still. I hear this will go away in a couple of weeks. We shall see. I have always been one to sleep as much as I can get away with. ;)

So, now the issue of the nickname. I was trying to think of something we could call the fetus on Saturday and it just came to me. Feetsy! Kind of like Fetus, right? But cuter. Also, I think Feetsy will have big feet. So, it works on multiple levels. It just so happens that this nickname came to me on the eve of when Feetsy moves from being considered an embryo to an actual fetus (as I read later that night in my Pregnancy development book)! Really it just seemed very appropriate. There you have it - now, instead of refering to Feetsy as an "it" or "she/he/ze," we can just drop the formalities.

One final story I wanted to tell that just tickles me. The other day, Andrew's officemate asked him, "What are you hoping for? a boy or a girl?" Andrew without missing a beat and with a straight face says, "Well, really...I am just hoping for a homosexual." I thought that was hilarious - he is so witty.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Little Littlefield is on the Way!!

Just had my first doctors appointment yesterday which verified that we are, indeed, 9 weeks pregnant! This is very exiciting news...we have been trying since August. Things are going well so far it seems. The heart rate is 173 and the baby is currently the size of a grape.

So far, the morning sickness has been more of a nighttime sickness. I feel more nauseated as the day goes on. The Dr. has advised me to take some B6 three times a day to help with that. We shall see if it works. I hope so. Other than that, I have been extremely tired. I have heard it is hard work to make a baby and boy that seems to be true! Andrew and I both went to bed at 9:45p last night after a long 12 hr day at work. Finally, I have started to get a little more grumpy than usually, but I think that is because of the nausea and hormones in flux. Andrew is being a real trooper and "taking it as it comes."

We are planning on waiting a week or so to tell most people about Little Littlefield. I think we are going to be wonderful parents. Andrew is especially good with children. We used to joke that I would prefer to take care of our kid until it is 2 years old, then he would be happy to take over until the teenage years. I think we will do a great job together over the years. It is going to be hard work I know. Just like being married, raising a kid is probably something that people don't tell you how hard it is really. You just have to figure it out on your own, as you go. Let's go! I can't wait!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Keep you head down and step into the wind

I think I am starting to feel more like my normal self again. It sure is nice to be surrounded by people that really care about me and how I am feeling. The older I get the more I realize that getting older is about acceptance. Accepting that sometimes things are good, accepting that sometimes things are pretty shitty, accepting that change is inevitable. I have always found comfort with the first stanza of the serentiy prayer:

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.  

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ten Things I Love About My Dogs

1. Savannah as an old Jewish women named Edna, who sighs anytime we sit too close to her without asking.
2. That fact that Zorro is a gay little princely dog who prances around, surveying his kingdom.
3. They let you know (most of the time) when they need to be let out.
4. They are addicted to rawhide chewies.
5. Savannah will actually try to get us to pet her in order to make Zorro jealous and steal his chewy away when he lets his guard down.
6. Zorro will jump in the bathtub to let you know when they have run out of water in their water bowl.
7. "Car ride" and "Walk" are the two most exciting things we could have planned for them.
8. They know the "cuddle" command and are happy to oblige.
9. They are best buds with each other.
10. They provide an ample source of unconditional love.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Five Things I Love About My Situation in Life

1. My husband is a great man who is always trying to think of ways to make my life a little sweeter (see 11/2/10 post).
2. I have a great group of close friends, far and near.
3. I live in a great little town that has much to offer the local community.
4. I get to work on my own ideas and projects most days.
5. I have two adorable mutts that always brighten my day and relieve my stress within a few short minutes.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Ten Things I Love About Him

1. Sweetness - He is always thinking of ways to brighten my day.
2. Intelligence - He is the smartest person I know.
3. Sense of Humor - He can make me smile with ease.
4. Passionate - He throws all of himself into everything he does.
5. Loving - He cares more for others than himself.
6. Openness - He is always willing to share what is on his mind.
7. Hedonism - He loves to feel good and help others feel good.
8. Drive - He accomplishes all that he sets out to do.
9. Unselfish - He often puts the needs of others before himself.
10. Affectionate - He's a great cuddler who loves to show affection.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Today's Inspiration

Top Ten Characteristics I Love About You:
1. Adaptability - You can adapt to any situation.
2. Strength - You are strong enough to handle anything life throws at you.
3. Fun-loving - You can appreciate the humor in most situations.
4. Honesty - You can't help but always say what you feel.
5. Vunerability - You aren't afraid to put yourself out there.
6. Caring - You often put the needs of other before your own.
7. Passion - You experience things with all your heart and soul.
8. Resolve - You can always change your mind and mean it.
9. Intelligence - You love to know more.
10. Perspective - You can always take a step back and gain a different vantage point.