To see or ride a surfboard in your dream, suggests that you are going with the flow of things. You have giving in to the existing rhythm and are just along for the ride. Alternatively, riding a surfboard refers to your leisurely pursuits.
To dream that you are surfing, parallels the ups and downs of some emotional situation or relationship. You may feel overwhelmed. One minute you can be in control of your emotions and the next minute you are not. Alternatively, the dream means that you are going with the flow.
Besides the side effect of weird dreams, I am doing well with the rest of my first trimester symptoms. My nausea is mostly under control with the B6 and I am proud to say that I have not actually vomited (not even once!). The biggest thing is just how tired I am still. I hear this will go away in a couple of weeks. We shall see. I have always been one to sleep as much as I can get away with. ;)
So, now the issue of the nickname. I was trying to think of something we could call the fetus on Saturday and it just came to me. Feetsy! Kind of like Fetus, right? But cuter. Also, I think Feetsy will have big feet. So, it works on multiple levels. It just so happens that this nickname came to me on the eve of when Feetsy moves from being considered an embryo to an actual fetus (as I read later that night in my Pregnancy development book)! Really it just seemed very appropriate. There you have it - now, instead of refering to Feetsy as an "it" or "she/he/ze," we can just drop the formalities.
One final story I wanted to tell that just tickles me. The other day, Andrew's officemate asked him, "What are you hoping for? a boy or a girl?" Andrew without missing a beat and with a straight face says, "Well, really...I am just hoping for a homosexual." I thought that was hilarious - he is so witty.
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