Last Wednesday we had our end-of-the-first-trimester check-in with Feetsy. Feetsy's heart rate was about 140-150 bpm, which is in the expected range. My blood pressure was better than it has been in a while, and my weight gain is right on track with about 3.5 lbs the first three months. Things appear to be going along swimmingly.
We have another checkup on February 2nd, the day before I leave for a conference in Daytona Beach. Then, on Valentines Day, we get to find out the sex of "Feetsy". This will be an exciting day for sure! We haven't decided whether we are going to find out during the actual appointment, or whether we will ask them to put it in an envelope so that we can open it over dinner. I think there are pluses and minuses to both. Oh well, no need to think about it for a few weeks.
On a related "thinking" note, did you know that you actually lose gray matter in your brain when you become pregnant? This is funny to me because I had heard another pregnant woman had been having issues with coming up with the right words for things and remembering things. I thought to myself, "Phew, dodged that bullet" because I didn't think this was occuring with me. Little did I know, I would just have to wait a couple of weeks. Now, this prego brain deficiency is running full force. Kind of frustrating.
Finally, we heard that last week (week 14) is the week that Feetsy can start to hear our voices. So, Andrew and I started reading to Feetsy. Andrew wanted to read one of his favorite books as a kid: Flowers for Algernon. It's pretty great! We are about 1/3 of the way through. I choose to get your standard children's books to read. I like to make the different voices. I think it makes it more entertaining for Feetsy.
Finally, I haven't really experienced any significant "quickening" event, which should happen any day now. I did experience a slight "flutter" in my lower abdomen the other day when I was getting up from the bed. I wondered if that was Feetsy, but I guess there is no way to know until you know. I will update once I am sure that little "Feetsy" is kicking around in there. Should be soon, I hear that Feetsy is about the size of an apple now.
Back into Yoga this past week. I promised myself that if I kept up with it 3 times a week over the next month, I would spring for a gym membership so that I could start enjoying some pool time. So far, I am doing alright. It is pretty relaxing, except you do a lot of lunges in prenatal yoga. This would be okay, except lunges are some of my most hated forms of exercise.
That's the update for now. Hopefully some pictures soon.
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