Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Little Littlefield is on the Way!!

Just had my first doctors appointment yesterday which verified that we are, indeed, 9 weeks pregnant! This is very exiciting news...we have been trying since August. Things are going well so far it seems. The heart rate is 173 and the baby is currently the size of a grape.

So far, the morning sickness has been more of a nighttime sickness. I feel more nauseated as the day goes on. The Dr. has advised me to take some B6 three times a day to help with that. We shall see if it works. I hope so. Other than that, I have been extremely tired. I have heard it is hard work to make a baby and boy that seems to be true! Andrew and I both went to bed at 9:45p last night after a long 12 hr day at work. Finally, I have started to get a little more grumpy than usually, but I think that is because of the nausea and hormones in flux. Andrew is being a real trooper and "taking it as it comes."

We are planning on waiting a week or so to tell most people about Little Littlefield. I think we are going to be wonderful parents. Andrew is especially good with children. We used to joke that I would prefer to take care of our kid until it is 2 years old, then he would be happy to take over until the teenage years. I think we will do a great job together over the years. It is going to be hard work I know. Just like being married, raising a kid is probably something that people don't tell you how hard it is really. You just have to figure it out on your own, as you go. Let's go! I can't wait!

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