Friday, August 12, 2011


Alright, I know I just posted this morning but I was so impressed with Miles this afternoon, I had to post on the blog. I hope one day he reads it and becomes slightly embarrassed but mostly impressed with himself.

He had been grunting most of the morning and seemed a little consitpated. So, I was trying to feed him a little more often to help him work some of the stuff out of his system. We went into the nursery to change a small "poopie" and wet diaper. I was careful to put the peepee teepee over him to make sure he didn't pee into on him or me.

Right after I wiped his butt, he shot (and I do mean shot) a stream of poop clearly six feet across the room! Now if you know the setup of our nursery, you know that landing it in the middle of his crib (from the changing table) is quite literally six feet. At first, I screamed out a little because it took me by surprise. Then, I was just impressed. I mean really, such a small fry causing so much of a mess (clearly a wake of destruction was left behind). I looked down and he was just smiling away, like he had just won the academy award.

I was congratulating him on his phenomenal performance, and while I was distracted (and had neglected to keep the peepee teepee over him), he firehosed himself right in the eyes with a full on stream of pee. At this point, he got surprised and it was my turn to laugh. Quite an eventful couple of minutes and a full load of laundry, which reminds me, I should go back and check the carpet....

(Yes, I just became one of those parents that spends waaaayyy too much time taking about poopie and pee). 


  1. Babies are so gross and hilarious! Humor is key. Keep the laughs coming, Miles!

  2. Couldn't agree more with martha! I remember cole pulled a similar sequence of events on me about 15 minutes before a grad student was coming over for a meeting. I got the room, cole, and myself *just barely* clean enough to be presentable with about 10 seconds to spare...You can also ask erin garrett about a similar incident that went down at your former employer - the George Bush Presidential Library. In the many years I've known her, it might have been the most I've ever seen her laugh. Oh, the adventures of life with a baby!!

  3. Nice job, Miles. I was the casualty of one poop incident with Juniper. That taught me not to sit too close when Daddy was changing her diaper.
