Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Miles' Playdate and First Day of "School"

This past weekend, we were pretty busy socially. On Saturday, we had some friends from out of town over for dinner and to play Apples to Apples. Although, Miles was asleep soon after they arrived, he was sweet enough to cuddle for a little bit with our guests before heading off to bed.

On Sunday, we had a playdate with Nicolas Andres Verges. He is about 7 months old and just about learning to crawl (forward). Nicolas and Miles shared a lunch time snack together with their daddies and played together for a bit on Nicolas' playmat.

Alvaro and Pilar were nice enough to bring lunch for the adults as well as an additional dinner that we could reheat later on (of course, we have already eaten that one as well). Next week, I think we will have a playdate again with Nicolas on Tuesday in Peace Park. Should be fun!

On Sunday night, we had other friends over for dinner and Cranium (I see lots of board games in our future). Miles was a gentleman and sat on Mommy's lap during dinner - just hanging out and taking it all in. Then we gave him and bath and sent him off the bed again. I am thinking that he will be an extrovert given how social he seems to be.

In other news, Miles' first day of day care was yesterday. Mommy was a little anxious without her sweet little boy throughout the day, but she got a lot of work done on her first day back. He handled everything like a trooper. I was able to stop by his day care about 11:30a to breastfeed. Otherwise, he was given expressed breast milk in a bottle throughout the day. The only mix up was that the day care staff in the afternoon thought he had run out of milk and didn't realize that he had four extra ounces left in his cold pack. So, I arrived to a very hungry Miles at 5p and had to bottle fed him for a few minutes before taking him home. Otherwise, Lindsay said she hadn't even realized it was his first day because he "did so great!" That is always nice for a Mom to hear. :) Anyway, if he is anything like his parents he will enjoy school almost too much.

Yet another instance of family resemblence...

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