Talldonadofield - The Reunion Tour. Our superfriend Christine came into Columbia at the end of March, during the first part of spring break. It was the first time she and Miles met each other. Of course, he was instantly delighted by her and they became fast superfriends.
We ate at all of Christine's favorite restuarants, like Love Sushi, and also introduced her to some new ones, like Chim's and Curries, that have come into town recently. We also did our own tie dye projects - underroos, a onesie, some longjohns, a t-shirt and a running shirt. One weekend day, when the weather was just right, we went to the disc golf course. Finally, we did some movie watching (The Muppets) as well.
Yum! Yum! In other news, Miles has recently sprouted 4 new teeth. The bottom middle two came in first and then his top bunny teeth have just erupted. These new teeth also coincide with a recent interest in more "adultlike" foods. He now just loves little cheese squares, toast, and crackers.
Sunday, Easter Sunday. We went down to southwest Missouri on Easter weekend. That Saturday we got to spend some quality time with his Meme and Papa. He had a fantastic time riding around with Papa on his scooter.
He also had some good laughs with Meme.

The Adlers put together a delicious Easter Lunch and Grammy brought along some delicious pies (who knew Coconut Creme was so delicious!? Why didn't anyone tell me?). It was our first time meeting cousin Aaron's fiancee, Alison. She definitely got two enthusiastic thumbs up from the Littlefields. Finally, we took some nice family pictures, as it was Miles' and Lincoln's first Easter.
Bethany, Scott, and Lincoln posed with me, Andrew and Miles for an Easter pic.
Cousin Aaron, Alison, Sister and Brother joined in for a few pictures.
Miles also got a picture with his Grandpa - taken while he was hamming it up!
Here is a cute one of Lincoln and Miles with thier two Grammys. :)
A Mover and a Shaker. Just in the last two weeks, Miles has started army crawling. It is so cute, he will flop onto his belly and only use his left knee to push himself across the floor. His right leg will just be straight up in the air, being pulled along like dead weight. We will try to post a picture of that soon as well. He is still practicing his standing as well and interested in figuring out how to go from sitting to standing by pulling on something.
Stranger(?) Danger. Recently, Miles is also starting to strongly prefer the company of his Mommy or Daddy. Even with people he has known since birth, he will fussbutt a little when he is in their arms if one of us is in eyesight. Not surprising, but we are doing more floor time so perhaps that will give him practice playing independently if we leave need to the room briefly.
We're Gonna Snowball Jackson. Just last weekend, we headed down to Jackson to spend time with Mike and Court as well as to look for a rental house. We didn't have much luck with finding a place to live, but Miles did great in the car. There were a couple of melt downs in the last 30 minutes of each ride, but I couldn't blame him because I was tired of being in the car by that point to. Our trip did seem to catalyze another exiciting milestone for Miles.
He's Got Something to Say About It. While we were out admiring the Ross Barnett Reservoir, we were walking behind a family with a group of small children, about 5 or 6. Miles was in my arms and clear as day, he said, "Hi." It was pretty surprising, but we could not get him to say it again. Then, a couple of days later, Andrew showed me that Miles consistently said "Dad" (not Dada) when he entered the room. Just a couple of days later (this past Thursday), he said "Mama" twice and then again tonight! It was very exciting! So, it seems has has started building his vocabulary. We will try to record him saying these things but he is not good at doing things when it is convient for us. ;)
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