Tuesday, September 13, 2011

No One Gets Offstage without Singin' the Blues'

This past weekend was the Roots n Blues festival in Columbia. As we have done in the past, we snuck into the lab before the shows got started and hung out in the conference room, listening to the music enter through the open window. Andrew traditionally buys bbq to share and others furnish drinks and snacks. This year was special for a number of reasons. One, because our friend Kristie was in town to hang out and collaborate on a few projects. Two, because it was our son's first music festival. This being Miles' first time in attendance, we decided he needed to dress the part.

He was very well-behaved and seemed to enjoy the social aspect of it all - not sure who he gets that from ;) We left pretty early though; Miles was in bed by 8:30p Friday night.

Generally, Miles has been pretty active. He just hit the 10 week mark. He seems to be growing so fast! Here is a recent pic in some of the cutest little duckie PJs I can imagine.

In terms of milestones, it has been an exciting past few days. Miles is seemingly close to being able to hold his neck steady on his own while in arm. He is getting pretty good, during tummy time, at holding his head and chest up for a bit on his arms.

Miles has also recently discovered his fist and loves to shove it into his mouth. Another day last week, I looked over while he was playing with Captain Calamari ("and Friends!") and he had grabbed a ring on one of his tentacles and was pulling it toward his mouth.

Finally, he recently was imitating my sticking out my tongue at him, which he was tickled by. Still no laugh, but I can tell it is coming soon! I will be sure to try and post a video of that once it happens. Maybe it will be slightly maniacal like Thomas' first laugh or perhaps a squeal. Either way, I am sure we will do everything we can think of to keep it up.

Lots of changes on the little stage of the play gym. My friend once said that babies change so fast that it may be different from "one nap to the next." That is most certainly true! I can't wait to see the other things he figures out  in the coming weeks.

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