Monday, December 12, 2011

Miles received a Christmas present from Grammy that we decided he could enjoy a couple of weeks before (not in the spirit of Jimmy Kimmel). He loves bouncing around in the jumper. He is always figuring something else he can do at his "command center."

A few days ago, it snowed for the first time in Mid-MO this winter. So, I went outside with Miles briefly to show him what snow was all about. He didn't really seem freaked out at all that this white stuff was falling from the sky!

Warning: The following videos are extremely adorable. Your head may just explode...

Saturday, December 3, 2011

What I am Thankful For...

Miles' first thanksgiving was such a special day!

We went up to Moberly MO where his Auntie Amanda hosted a beautiful family dinner. I brought my family's secret green bean casserole recipe, a sweet potato casserole, and a homemade apple pie. Our friend from the Sher lab, Angi and her brother Michael joined us as well.

Andrew ran a 5k that morning and finished first out of those in our group. :) After the run, we hung out and watched football/the Macy's Parade. Miles got to try his first taste of pumpkin puree at dinner. He liked it well enough, but I think mostly because it was novel.

The turkey was really delicious! We also had mashed potatoes, rolls, stuffing, cherry coke jello stuff, brussel sprouts, and salad. For dessert, we had peanut butter pie, apple pie, sweet potato pie, and some pumpkin bars and cupcakes (YUMMY!!!). 

Miles also really enjoyed spending time with his Grammy and Grandpa for the rest of the day! We played board games and watched tv and took naps.

Andrew really enjoyed spending time with his brother-in-law, Ryan...

A belly-busting fun time was had by all!